If College Were More Like Videogames Slightly accurate. 08.31.12, 3:17 pm est |
NES Toaster It's not real, but I'd buy it right now if it were. 08.31.12, 1:42 pm est |
Penny Arcade: Enter The Review Dome This is my favorite review of any Madden game. 08.31.12, 1:29 pm est |
DIY Arcade Machine Coffee Table For old-school gaming fans. 08.31.12, 1:17 am est |
Grand Theft Auto IV: Hill Valley - [Back to the Future Mod Showcase] (2:31) Um, so this is ridiculously awesome. 08.30.12, 1:55 am est |
Lamebook - Wednesday Wins First one: meh. Second one: snarky. Third one: laugh out loud penis joke. 08.30.12, 1:50 am est |
Someone I know made hotdogs at work This person must work with MacGyver. 08.29.12, 2:55 am est |
Everytime I cook something This is so very true in my kitchen area. 08.29.12, 2:39 am est |
Use of available resources: A+ No extension cord? No problem. 08.29.12, 2:37 am est |
Angry Hook Angry hook is angry. 08.29.12, 2:36 am est |
It's a perfect date This lady knows how to party. 08.29.12, 2:35 am est |
Brilliant Pumpkin Carving I bet they give out the best candy, too. 08.29.12, 2:34 am est |
Nerd Alert - Dear Peach (Luigi Love Song) (3:30) This is one of the better Mario/Luigi songs I've seen on YouTube. 08.29.12, 12:37 am est |
Focusing the 100-millimeter Mastcam A pretty sweet photo from the Mars rover. 08.29.12, 12:34 am est |
Old Spice Muscle Music (1:16) At the end of the video, you can MAKE YOUR OWN MUSIC. Amazing. 08.29.12, 12:32 am est |
Takeru Kobayashi sets new world record 110 *bunless* hotdogs. But hey, it's still a record. Tsunami = the best. 08.29.12, 12:31 am est |
Mordor I see what you did there... 08.29.12, 12:30 am est |
Hover board test, behind the scenes of "Back to the Future Part II" (0:57) 27 years later, and still amazing. 08.27.12, 12:25 am est |
YouTube channel: MailOrderComedy More pre-Workaholics goodness! 08.26.12, 12:34 am est |
YouTube channel: DungeonoftheNutsack You might know them from "Workaholics". Some good stuff in here. 08.26.12, 12:27 am est |
35 Stunning Examples Of Soap Bubble Photography So spherical. 08.25.12, 11:54 pm est |
LEGO creations by Tiler He's a fan of the Batmobile. 08.25.12, 11:52 pm est |
This is a great goal (0:25) Jeremain Lens has a go from a difficult angle. 08.25.12, 8:36 pm est |
Water Wigs Perfect for that summer heatwave. 08.25.12, 6:48 pm est |
Click and win! BAM! 08.25.12, 6:46 pm est |
Horse Taking it to The Limit (0:56) Oh my god Horse is driving, how can that be?!?! 08.24.12, 1:05 am est |
Know Your Meme - Futurama Futurama + internet = ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD. 08.24.12, 12:38 am est |
Pixel Tree Trunk Sculptures 8-bit trees. 08.23.12, 2:10 am est |
Great halloween costume I can't hear you... 08.22.12, 11:56 pm est |
Afternoon Express (0:12) Wait for it... 08.22.12, 11:41 pm est |
Google Envelopes, Beta Of Course If I ever sent mail, this would be the optimal envelope to send it in. 08.22.12, 11:41 pm est |
Raise your kid Amish? This... is actually a hilarious idea. 08.22.12, 11:40 pm est |
Gotta be there at 8:06 am Get there early, parking is terrible. 08.22.12, 11:26 pm est |
If the Olympics were on your Facebook News Feed These are usually dumb, but the Subway comments got me laughing. 08.22.12, 11:17 pm est |
Just gonna use a condom I got at a music festival... Hey, waitaminute... 08.22.12, 10:52 pm est |
Peel light and other neat ideas Cool room accents. 08.22.12, 10:47 pm est |
Suddenly Salad OUT OF NOWHERE!!! 08.22.12, 10:39 pm est |
Heineken Cube: Would You Drink Beer From A Square Bottle? I'd drink EVERYTHING from a square bottle. Imagine how awesome your fridge would look. It's adult LEGO. 08.22.12, 9:51 pm est |
A male birth-control pill... that doesn't kill sex drive? Science is trying to do everyone out there a solid. 08.22.12, 9:49 pm est |
Dueling Harry Carays (2:32) HAY! 08.22.12, 2:05 am est |
If movies were written by our children (1:56) This was well acted. 08.22.12, 2:02 am est |
Shaq's Is Bigger Than Yours (2:46) Is Family Feud even a family show anymore? 08.22.12, 1:42 am est |
GHOST TITS (feat. Olivia Munn) (2:50) Wheredemtitsgo. Dot com. 08.22.12, 1:26 am est |
"Baby Got Back" Sung By the Movies (3:00) This is some good YouTube right here. 08.22.12, 1:16 am est |
The Unconscious Homeless Man (0:50) Bahahahahahaha! 08.22.12, 1:11 am est |
James Harden likes to keep his Approved Foot Locker gear fresh (0:30) I ell-oh-ell-ed. 08.20.12, 2:56 am est |
If the Earth had rings, a 3D animation (3:32) I think that would be pretty neat. 08.20.12, 12:31 am est |
Graffiti made out of water and light (2:00) Technology is amazing. And fun! 08.19.12, 11:36 pm est |
3D printer can build a house in 20 hours (11:59) I didn't think 3D "printing" would catch on. Now, it's pretty damn awesome if you ask me. 08.19.12, 10:43 pm est |
Jedi Condoms (2:13) Don't be the Father. 08.19.12, 8:58 pm est |
Revenge is a dish best served pink (3:32) Don't mess with the older brother. 08.19.12, 2:48 am est |
Tangga House by Guz Architects This house is only a couple Powerball numbers out of reach. 08.19.12, 2:33 am est |
Gangsta They have to transport data just like the rest of us. 08.19.12, 2:31 am est |
I assure you we're open Thank you, my favorite movie. 08.19.12, 2:30 am est |
Great rubber stamp idea There are days where I want to use this as my work email signature. 08.19.12, 2:29 am est |
Where is the moon? Knowing is half the battle. 08.19.12, 2:04 am est |
Neighbors at 4 am That party is off the hook! 08.19.12, 2:03 am est |
House for rent level: Broccolli Probably posted this before. Still awesome. 08.19.12, 2:03 am est |
Lunar eclipse Well, that escalated quickly. 08.19.12, 2:02 am est |
Cube Tube Chill without the spill. 08.19.12, 2:02 am est |
Awesome media center This is exactly the type of furniture I'm looking for. 08.19.12, 2:00 am est |
When life gives you lemons... ...figure out what factory it came from. 08.19.12, 1:35 am est |
Every time I try to sleep So incredibly true. 08.19.12, 1:35 am est |
What's the category? Is this really a family show? 08.19.12, 1:34 am est |
She was a hoe... ...fo' sho'. 08.19.12, 1:33 am est |
Meat is murder Only in EVERYWHERE! 08.19.12, 1:33 am est |
Why is the USA's energy half empty? A slightly valid question. 08.19.12, 1:32 am est |
Moo Mixer Do want. 08.19.12, 1:32 am est |
Someone effed up Serious business. 08.18.12, 11:59 pm est |
Pulled pork sundae Hell yeah. 08.18.12, 9:38 pm est |
Doombas! Shit. Just. Got. Real. 08.18.12, 9:38 pm est |
Alcohol This seems familiar. 08.18.12, 9:36 pm est |
Ragú: Long Day of Childhood Commercial (0:30) Nothing helps a scarred memory like Ragu. 08.18.12, 9:34 pm est |
The Aurora Glowing Cocktail It apparently is supposed to "glow" under a blacklight. 08.18.12, 9:01 pm est |
Post BJ Problems (2:05) I just want to... palm your face... 08.18.12, 8:51 pm est |
The 2012 KSK Fantasy Team Naming Guide There's some gold scattered along this list. 08.17.12, 3:22 am est |
What kind of question is that? The guy who drives this car must be bringing his "A" game. 08.17.12, 3:21 am est |
A scary comic Heh. 08.17.12, 3:20 am est |
FAIL - Image #376,187 Always make two trips. 08.17.12, 2:28 am est |
Donkey Kong Inspired Wall Shelves It's just a concept, but a freakin' awesome concept. 08.17.12, 1:08 am est |
How To Fold Fitted Sheets An easy to follow guide. 08.17.12, 1:06 am est |
Swiss scientists use new algorithm to track anything viral to its original source People with the herp, sorry, you're still out of luck. 08.17.12, 1:04 am est |
Awesome CD Collections That's a lot of free AOL hours. 08.16.12, 1:08 am est |
CCleaner's users will know Seriously, get with the 90's, release patches not programs. 08.15.12, 2:16 am est |
Bodyguard gets into the act (1:35) This gets hilarious at the 1 minute mark. 08.15.12, 2:07 am est |
Legend Of Zelda Heart Piece, Rupee And Triforce Soap Stop Ganon. And B.O. 08.14.12, 7:58 pm est |
Brandon Inge dislocated his shoulder... (2:12) ...but pops it back in and goes on to get the game-winning hit. Cray. 08.14.12, 12:30 am est |
Chuck Norris: The Movie (1:47) CHUCK NORRIS!!! 08.12.12, 11:20 pm est |
How to make a spray bottle that works in any orientation (1:00) Smart people are smart. 08.12.12, 3:26 pm est |
Magic Sand: It never gets wet (2:26) What kind of sorcery is this?!? 08.12.12, 2:51 pm est |
Everyday Carry I have a wallet, phone, and keys, and that's more than enough for me. Some of these people are excessive. 08.12.12, 3:05 am est |
Scarlett Johansson animated GIFs Sweet sassy molassy. 08.12.12, 2:44 am est |
A DeLorean Hovercraft Appeared At Last Night’s Giants-Rockies Game (0:56) But can it get up to 88 mph? 08.12.12, 1:05 am est |
Unbreakable glass (5:59) It is INSANE how strong that glass is. 08.11.12, 2:52 pm est |
Awesome Staples City Neat. 08.11.12, 3:29 am est |
What can you do with an old bus? Make a bitchin' desk. 08.11.12, 3:28 am est |
Louis CK - "Apologize" (5:55) Life lessons. 08.10.12, 2:43 am est |
USB Toaster Hub and Thumbdrives How adorable is that? 08.10.12, 2:41 am est |
Alex doesn't really get the April Fools' Day Could use a little tweaking. 08.10.12, 2:07 am est |
All the world in a room Suppose we fill a room with 50 people perfectly representative of the world population... 08.10.12, 2:07 am est |
Dizzying video: Blonde Russian 'skywalker' films herself on roof (3:03) That is a spectacular view. 08.09.12, 9:42 pm est |
Because blue means water Zelda logic ell-oh-ell. 08.09.12, 7:45 pm est |
USB Problems It might be the greatest invention since the bread slicer. 08.09.12, 7:45 pm est |
Yosemite Firefall Beautiful. 08.09.12, 7:44 pm est |
Mom ordered nothing for dessert, they gave her this It's "low-cal"! 08.09.12, 7:43 pm est |
Some food tips that will change your life These are some serious game changers, folks. 08.09.12, 7:43 pm est |
Evan's Lightning McQueen (3:14) Kid gets a souped-up ride. 08.08.12, 11:54 pm est |
Paper Airplane Pushpins Neat office supply. 08.08.12, 11:47 pm est |
Sebastien Millon Not really a comic. But lots of good humor here as well. 08.08.12, 2:34 am est |
Hi, I'm Liz Simple humor. Wonderful. 08.08.12, 2:29 am est |
StyoleByte Immaturity at its best. 08.08.12, 2:24 am est |
DeLorean Giveaway Follow-Up: Q&A With Ready Player One Author Ernie Cline That's one way to get people to read your book. 08.08.12, 2:22 am est |
State Farm Split Camaro Project Yo dawg, I herd you like cars... 08.08.12, 2:20 am est |
Will you still medal in the morning? What happens in the village... stays in the village? 08.08.12, 2:18 am est |
Textually Active (2:59) Dude needs to chill. But this is funny. 08.08.12, 1:56 am est |
NBA Jam Announcer at ESPN harasses Colin Cowherd (0:22) BOOMSHAKALAKA! 08.06.12, 7:22 pm est |
FUTURE OF THE LEFT - Failed Olympic Bid (3:21) A failed Olympic bid leaves some kids so upset, they can't forget. 08.06.12, 1:46 am est |
Rockyard - All That She Wants (Cover) (4:51) Live from Jay's basement; one take, no auto-tune, no overdubs, no bullshit! 08.06.12, 1:42 am est |
Online Now (11:57) Journey into the world of contemporary online social interaction. 08.06.12, 1:40 am est |
Sprite Sun Fizz (0:31) Old creepy Sprite commercial. 08.06.12, 1:28 am est |
How to Eat Noodles... (0:21) ... LIKE A BOSS. 08.05.12, 2:28 am est |
10 hours of the Cantina band (10:00:00) Party at my place, right? 08.04.12, 11:36 pm est |
Who's That Girl? Known commonly as "the Parked Domain Girl" or "the Expired Domain Girl". 08.04.12, 10:04 pm est |
Life is so simple Make the right choice. 08.04.12, 12:43 pm est |
The best way to learn geography Seriously, I have no idea how the eastern hemisphere is put together. 08.04.12, 12:42 pm est |
Some Creative Chalkboard Signs Lots of creative people out there. 08.04.12, 1:53 am est |
I had no idea they did this until today Is this really how they work? I need to to hit up a Wendy's and confirm. 08.04.12, 1:53 am est |
Mattress Man Commercial (0:53) Rock 'n' roll, dude. 08.04.12, 12:52 am est |
'Unbaby Me' Chrome Add-On Removes Baby Pictures From Facebook Feed Suddenly, bacon. Bacon everywhere. 08.03.12, 7:06 pm est |
Drinkify What do drink while listening to your favorite artists. 08.02.12, 2:34 am est |
Origami Cube Wreath Neat-o. 08.02.12, 1:35 am est |
Tree Branch Fallen On Power Line (0:18) For reals? 08.02.12, 1:24 am est |
A teacher growing green in the South Bronx (13:42) This guy is awesome. Watch this whole thing. 08.01.12, 11:58 pm est |
TIME: The Most Important Team at the Olympics? Why, It's Icelandic Handball Eees-laand! Eees-laand! Eees-laand! 08.01.12, 9:46 am est |