Einstein vs Hawking - Epic Rap Battles of History #7 (2:36) Droppin' some MAD science! 03.31.11, 7:22 pm est |
16 3D-Street Art Photos The one of the boat near the end boggles the mind. 03.31.11, 12:35 am est |
Chipmunk Adventures We will befriend the chipmunk, gain his trust, then exploit him in hilarious photographs! 03.31.11, 12:34 am est |
Awkward Stock Photos If you like "WTF", you'll like this. 03.30.11, 9:18 pm est |
World's Worst Entrepeneur? (3:57) Either this person is A) completely retarded, 2) a serious troll, or C) borderline genius, because I guarantee there's stupid people with enough extra money who would buy such a product. I'll let you decide. 03.30.11, 8:55 pm est |
It all goes back in the box (3:21) Heavy. 03.30.11, 11:13 am est |
Very sad, tragic life ends The dagger of all daggers. 03.30.11, 11:01 am est |
South Park Art Gallery @ Opera (NY) There's some... creative stuff here... 03.30.11, 10:56 am est |
Boombox Set A great idea that I can't believe hasn't been thought of until now. 03.30.11, 1:31 am est |
Things You CAN'T Do When You're NOT a Dog (1:26) And now you know! 03.30.11, 1:30 am est |
Shooting machetes with a slingshot (4:19) Learn this skill before the zombie apocalypse hits. 03.30.11, 1:17 am est |
Texas High School Hockey Championship Game Overshadowed By Brawl (1:11) If you are going to take a run at someone, you better be prepared to be run at as well. One kid forgot the latter part of this. 03.30.11, 1:14 am est |
Earth Hour 2011 Click to fade in/out each picture. 03.29.11, 12:27 am est |
Reddit - Unsettling Comments Lots of WTF here. 03.28.11, 11:02 pm est |
The Aurora (1:55) This video has spread everywhere. Neat time lapse of the ol' Borealis. 03.28.11, 10:59 pm est |
Condiment Scooper Magically Picks Up Spilled Ketchup And Mayo (2:20) There's no reason this should be interesting. But it is. I've watched this three times now. 03.28.11, 10:41 pm est |
Video Game Deaths (2:26) Somewhat decent compilation. 03.28.11, 10:35 pm est |
GIRP This is actually challenging. 03.28.11, 9:53 pm est |
Delaware Woman Climbs Into Her Basketball Hoop To Protest State Ripping It Out This can be filed in two locations. Location 1: "Who cares?" Location 2: "The State of Delaware hurf-durfs over stupid shit". 03.28.11, 9:41 pm est |
Our favorite promiscuous cat, Smutley, has a lesson for all of us (2:21) A bizarre way to spread AIDS awareness. 03.27.11, 7:22 pm est |
NOT IN MY HOUSE NUH-UH. 03.27.11, 5:06 pm est |
Bangkok food market... a train runs through it (1:27) No, really. Bizarre. 03.27.11, 2:45 pm est |
Japanese music video with bizare choreography (5:39) Japan: even the art is engineered to perfection. 03.27.11, 2:39 pm est |
The Stoner Arms Dealers How two American kids became big-time weapons traders - until the Pentagon turned on them. A great article. 03.27.11, 12:15 am est |
Sokoblovsky Farms The best and only breeders of Petite Lap Giraffes 03.26.11, 3:32 pm est |
Thank you ...for converting vegetables into bacon. 03.26.11, 2:18 pm est |
The World Map Of Average Breast Cup Size Scandinavia, Russia, hmmm... give up warmer weather for larger breasteses? A question I'd like to spend more time researching. 03.26.11, 12:48 am est |
Real life coin block from Super Mario Bros. Best reverse piggy bank ever. 03.26.11, 12:44 am est |
I Am Epic Win (0:32) No pain, no pain! 03.25.11, 11:55 pm est |
MC Hammer's Taco Bell Commercial (0:32) It's his weakness. 03.25.11, 11:54 pm est |
AFLAC Duck Auditions (1:46) These were pretty spot on! (Not the duck impressions, the other ones.) 03.25.11, 9:18 am est |
Habba Babba? (2:50) This is so stupid. At first I was like, wtf? But then, I LOL'D. 03.25.11, 1:50 am est |
Chicken police? (0:28) Wait, what? 03.25.11, 1:46 am est |
Great Moments in History with Gus Johnson (1:12) This might be the greatest video ever created. 03.24.11, 6:07 pm est |
A Danzig Story This. Is. Hilarious. 03.24.11, 7:51 am est |
Toothbrush With A Built-In Paste Resevoir I would totally brush my teeth more with this invention. 03.24.11, 1:52 am est |
Holi: Festival of Colors I just saw this on "Outsourced". This holiday looks crazy! 03.24.11, 1:51 am est |
Simpsons Song Guitar Medley (3:09) This was highly amusing. 03.23.11, 8:51 am est |
Alex Trebek Calls College Football Highlights (3:07) The most correct use of a soundboard. 03.23.11, 12:36 am est |
Amazing technology - for a table saw (5:12) This invention absolutely blows my mind. 03.22.11, 10:38 pm est |
Incredible Space Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock There are some fantastic shots in this gallery. 03.22.11, 10:22 pm est |
A Kristen within a Kristen (0:15) Well done. 03.22.11, 10:12 pm est |
Kristenschaallaahcsnetsirk (0:51) Find the hidden message... 03.22.11, 10:11 pm est |
Kristen Schaal does daily tasks with the Xperia (0:52) Another absolute gem. 03.22.11, 10:09 pm est |
Kristen Schaal does battle with Kristen Schaal (1:03) I will only buy a smart phone if Kristen is selling it. 03.22.11, 10:08 pm est |
The box scores from "Space Jam" for a nostalgia kick Intergalactic basketball didn't keep quality stats back in the day. 03.22.11, 9:53 pm est |
Shark bite oven mitt We're gonna need a bigger... pot holder... 03.22.11, 9:51 pm est |
Star Destroyer Ice Luge The best thing sculpted out of ice ever. 03.22.11, 5:50 pm est |
Star Wars PSAs Always let the Wookie win. 03.22.11, 5:50 pm est |
TEA!!!!! (1:24) Are you man enough for this tea? 03.22.11, 8:33 am est |
James' Face The correct way to use photoshop. Hi-larious. 03.22.11, 7:32 am est |
50 Beautiful Tree Photos Great photography ahead. 03.21.11, 10:51 pm est |
How do you play soccer if you live on a floating village? (5:14) Simple... make a floating soccer field. 03.21.11, 7:09 pm est |
ABC3D book (1:20) Learn the alphabet... IN THE THIRD DIMENSION!!! 03.21.11, 7:08 pm est |
White Ninja seeks marriage counselling Another solid WN strip. 03.21.11, 8:39 am est |
Historically hardcore Hilarious Smithsonian advertisements. 03.21.11, 8:34 am est |
Sahara wonderland (4:14) Beautiful video footage of the Sahara. 03.21.11, 1:34 am est |
Radiation Dose Chart XKCD helped put together an informative infographic in light of the disaster in Japan. 03.20.11, 3:04 am est |
Good Charlotte - Last Night (4:14) I link this only because the entire video is on the set of Double Dare, and Marc Summers is there. On your mark. Get set... GO!!! 03.19.11, 7:05 pm est |
Bruce Lee playing ping pong (1:12) I can shenanigans, but amusing nonetheless. 03.19.11, 2:40 pm est |
How An LCD Monitor Works (4:52) I still say it's wizardry and magic. 03.19.11, 2:40 pm est |
The most amazing golfer the world has never seen (6:21) Fascinating short story. 03.18.11, 11:18 pm est |
Bernhoft - Cmon Talk (4:33) This jam was awesome. It whupped a llama with a belt! 03.18.11, 10:42 pm est |
Final Banned University of Lincoln Advert (0:29) People are trying to learn here. 03.18.11, 2:25 am est |
First Person Mario (1:28) It's about time someone got around to making this perspective! 03.18.11, 2:19 am est |
Surveillance cameras capture tornado hitting hardware store Multiple camera angles of a tornado dozing a hardware store. 03.18.11, 1:54 am est |
Japan Quake Map The seismic activity going on over there boggles the mind. 03.17.11, 9:11 am est |
For Discovery, a farewell spin A photoset chronicling the adventures of the Discovery space shuttle. 03.17.11, 3:16 am est |
Pi Is Still Wrong (5:16) 13 years ago, I would have understood this better. 03.17.11, 12:57 am est |
Slugging - The People’s Transit A great article about the carpooling culture in DC along I-95. 03.16.11, 11:10 pm est |
"Mario" - SXSW 2011 Film Bumper (2:06) Another adaptation of Mario, made into a movie trailer. Good stuff. 03.16.11, 8:24 pm est |
How a Reactor Shuts Down and What Happens in a Meltdown Some basic information and some insight to what maybe happening at the failing nuclear plant in Japan. 03.16.11, 4:00 am est |
Dwight David Honeycutt for Conway School Board (5:21) Best. Candidate. Video. EVAR. 03.16.11, 3:55 am est |
Artificial organ regrowth (12:49) Science is AMAZING. Seriously, people are going to eventually live forever. 03.16.11, 1:12 am est |
Coffee art (3:06) Kind of cool and pointless at the same time. 03.16.11, 1:01 am est |
Ewan Dobson: Did he just play a trance song on a guitar? (3:10) I would totally rave to this. Good stuff. 03.16.11, 12:44 am est |
Jimmy Kimmel: The Hottie Body Jim-Miracle Diet (5:50) Cut your calories by four fifths! 03.16.11, 12:05 am est |
Jimmy Kimmel: Hottie Body Hump Club (7:05) Make your cardiovascular system a partiovascular system! 03.16.11, 12:03 am est |
Biggest microwave bottle explosion yet (4:22) Is that what we said, blow it up? LET'S BLOW IT UP! 03.15.11, 11:14 pm est |
Orrery Movie You can view the solar system according to the Copernican (sun-centered) or Tychonian (earth-centered) model. Check this out, it's pretty neat. 03.15.11, 11:05 pm est |
Leather Hands - Vertical Lines (3:31) The song is terrible. The video is brilliant. (Spoiler: boobs.) 03.15.11, 10:59 pm est |
Cal Clutterbuck: bench diving (0:12) When a professional hockey hit goes awry. 03.15.11, 10:56 pm est |
Ryan Kesler: Professional Interview Bomber (1:16) Very amusing to me. 03.15.11, 10:51 pm est |
Wizard Camp It's quite simple, actually. 03.14.11, 9:53 pm est |
Another Banned University of Lincoln Advert (0:15) How could you *not* want to attend this school? 03.14.11, 4:11 am est |
Google: Hide sites to find more of what you want I cannot wait to try out this feature. 03.14.11, 1:40 am est |
Video Of The Ground Shifting During The Japanese Quake (2:08) Surreal. 03.14.11, 1:23 am est |
Japan Earthquake: before and after (NY Times) More before and after shots. 03.14.11, 1:10 am est |
Japan Earthquake: before and after (ABC News Australia) These interactive before/after photos show how absolutely devastated parts of Japan are after the tsunami. I'm blown away at the destruction that has taken place there. 03.14.11, 1:05 am est |
White Ninja invents wonderful things This is one of the better ones I've seen in awhile from White Ninja. 03.14.11, 12:58 am est |
Gus Johnson and Bill Raftery commentating the World Cup (1:24) This mashup is absolutely brilliant. 03.11.11, 6:16 pm est |
Chinese Boob Clamp Commercial (5:01) The Chinese know what is most important in this world. 03.11.11, 5:26 pm est |
Desperate Domino's Pizza Ad (1:28) Ad with a USB twist. 03.11.11, 5:24 pm est |
311 - Soulsucker (5:08) An old video from Floodfest '93. I hadn't even heard of them yet. 03.11.11, 1:24 am est |
Lojic's Super Mario Brothers Breakdown (1:51) With a bit of a reggae flavor. 03.11.11, 1:22 am est |
Staring at breasts is good for your health (0:26) Tell me something I don't know! 03.10.11, 6:46 pm est |
Texts From Last Night - Snooze Brilliant. 03.09.11, 11:58 pm est |
What's in Spock's scanner - Part 1 (4:18) Oh my. 03.09.11, 10:32 pm est |
Actually, this might be the best commercial ever (1:02) MFin' tubes! 03.08.11, 6:11 pm est |
Shoemania (0:44) Greatest Eastern European shoe store! 03.08.11, 6:03 pm est |
Sweet Pirate Ship Themed Bedroom This might be the best kid's bedroom ever. 03.07.11, 10:21 pm est |
Greg Jennings Broken Leg Interview - ESPN The Weekend (1:26) GREG JENNINGS. 03.07.11, 10:20 pm est |
Use a 2-Liter Bottle as a 50 Watt Light Bulb lightbulb (2:37) Only works during the day, but damn that's brilliant. 03.07.11, 10:14 pm est |
Best horse name ever (1:33) AND THEY'RE COMING AROUND THE TURN... 03.07.11, 8:38 am est |
How To Wipe Your Butt Dot com. 03.06.11, 10:59 am est |
This May Be The Best Commercial Ever (0:46) There is merit to this claim. 03.05.11, 11:11 pm est |
Insane stunt... (1:13) ...is insane. 03.05.11, 6:14 pm est |
Craig vs. Wild - Winter Survival (2:47) Do not take advice from this guy, haha. 03.05.11, 3:05 pm est |
The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown There should also be a countdown for using any version of IE. Just switch to Firefox already. 03.05.11, 12:01 am est |
Night Photography: Finding Your Way In The Dark (6:28) The night time is the right time. 03.04.11, 11:15 pm est |
Upgrading through every version of Windows (9:48) I found this interesting, but I'm a NERD. 03.04.11, 11:08 pm est |
Banned University of Lincoln Advert (0:22) Why would you ban that? 03.04.11, 2:06 am est |
VCA 2010 Race Run (4:36) The rider tackles an insane BMX course. 03.03.11, 1:25 am est |
CRUDBUMP - I Don't Do Shit (2:35) It's my anthem! 03.02.11, 10:07 pm est |
Vanishing Head Illusion (0:58) Okay, that was different. Give this a try! 03.01.11, 7:33 pm est |
Great Pick-Up Lines in Sports (1:57) A couple good ones in here. 03.01.11, 7:26 pm est |
Marshmallow People (1:42) Just lookin' for something to do. 03.01.11, 6:58 pm est |
Boba Fett plays Zelda ''Lost Woods song'' on accordion (1:00) The Fett is on hard times it seems. 03.01.11, 6:49 pm est |
Secret Stashes (1:38) A couple of these are absolutely brilliant. 03.01.11, 2:10 am est |
Nyiragongo Crater: Journey to the Center of the World You don't get a feel for the size of this thing until #20. Insane. 03.01.11, 2:01 am est |
NOT-PANTS (2:03) They come in two sizes: hipster, and fat hipster. 03.01.11, 1:33 am est |
Potato Bonus (0:58) EXTREME. 03.01.11, 1:28 am est |
Do You Like Waffles? (0:35) Best. Song. Evar. 03.01.11, 1:24 am est |
Tokyo's Anime Commercial (0:25) What the... 03.01.11, 1:22 am est |
LMAOSHMSFOAIDMT It's happened before. 03.01.11, 1:18 am est |
Atari Wall Decals Spruce up that wall, old-school! 03.01.11, 12:23 am est |
Robot Vacuum Awesome. 03.01.11, 12:22 am est |
Thousands of Screws Make a 3D Portrait (15 pics) It's skill day, and this dude has it. 03.01.11, 12:16 am est |
The Book Surgeon (15 pieces) Dude. Has. Skill. 03.01.11, 12:15 am est |